Kliin Tartu and Pärnu dry cleaning

Your satisfaction and convenience are most important to us. Kliin has chosen its locations so that they will be easily accessible by car. Easy accessibility makes the service faster and more convenient.

Our customers can park for free during their visit at both Kliin Pärnu and Kliin Tartu. We have made ourselves easy to find for our customers by marking our locations and entrances with large Kliin-logos.

Kliin Tartu dry clean

We are located in the Zeppelin shopping center.

We can be conveniently reached from the car park on the gorund floor of the shopping centre and by using a separate entrance (see photo).


Zeppelin shopping center, Turu 14, 51004 Tartu

Phone and self service information


Kliin Tartu dry cleaner
Kliin Tartu parking

We are open

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 18.00 Sat - Sun 9.00 - 16.00
Laundromat with new client card
E – R 8.00 – 20.00      L – P 9.00 – 20.00

Kliin Pärnu dry clean

We are located in the Espak house, with a separate entrance.

You can conveniently park in front of our door.


ESPAK building, Papiniidu 4, 80042 Pärnu

Phone and self service information


Kliin Pärnu dry cleaner
Kliin Pärnu parking

We are open

Mon - Fri 8.00 - 18.00 Sat - Sun 9.00 - 16.00
Laundromat with new client card
Mon - Sun 7.00 - 20.00